This is our final week of class for Fall 2013.  During this week's class we presented on our research topics.  My classmate and I presented on estate planning.  She covered wills, power of attorney, living wills, and estate taxes.  I covered trusts, heirs, and charitable giving.  The research was very interesting.  I did not that estate planning covered so many different areas.  One thing that I will take away from the project is that I need a will.  I have enjoyed the class and learned a lot of useful financial information.

My article for week 15 is "Stop Keeping Up With The Joneses - They're Broke" from  I found the title of the article funny so I became interested in reading it.  The article states many people in western countries feel a competition toward excessive consumption.  We do this for many reasons.  One reason is that we want what others have, but we don't realize that sometimes others acquire these material things with tremendous debt.  The article suggests that we trim our needs and set our priorities.  I think it is good to remind ourselves of these things from time to time.

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