During week 12 our class covered Chapter 14 on Investing in Stocks and Bonds and Chapter 15 on Investing through Mutual Funds.  Before I took Finance 3060, I thought that financial planning was all about Chapter 14 material.  I now know that financial planning encompasses much more than stocks and bonds.  It was stated in class that the public has become more dependent on packaged investments in recent history.  Over time the stock market usually has a return of twice the bond market.  The stock market is geared to go up because businesses are in business to make money and improve.  The book stated that corporate earnings are the most important way to evaluate stock values.  Bonds are more difficult to price and trade than stocks because there is no actual marketplace to trade them like the stock exchanges.  The book mentioned different types of yields such as current yield and yield to maturity.  Chapter 15 covered mutual funds.  These are monies pooled by investment companies to buy stocks, bonds, and other investments.  Some benefits of mutual funds are diversification and reduced risk.  They also help level the playing field between corporations and individual investors.

"Assessing the Needs of an Aging Parent" is the title of the article that I read for week 12.  The article comes from www.massmutual.com.  I chose this article because I do have aging parents, one of which is critically ill with cancer.  The article states a list of questions to ask your parents.  These questions can help you approach sensitive topics that need to be discussed.  The article also suggested that long term care insurance can provide a measure of support for many families with aging parents.  I have discussed most of the topics the article suggested with my parents.  There are a few that I had not thought of as a problem.  I will be sure to bring up these topics in the future.

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