Week 14 was Thanksgiving week, and we had a guest speaker for our only day of class.  Paul Thompson, a portfolio manager with Morgan Stanley, was our guest speaker.  He spoke about understanding risk and the market.  He also spoke about developing a properly allocated portfolio.  Mr. Thompson started his presentation with some Greek history.  I love history and found his discussion very interesting.  He spoke about risk through the ages, how it was recognized, measured, and insured against.  He covered famous people and topics from the ancient Greeks to more modern times like Von Newman's invention of game theory.  It was an educational and interesting presentation.

My article for week 14 is called "Estate Planning: Introduction to Trusts" from www.investopedia.com.  During this week I was doing research for our group project on estate planning.  One of the topics that I had to research was trusts.  I found this interesting and informative article on trusts.  The article explains the two types of trusts: living and testamentary.  It also goes over the differences between revocable trusts and irrevocable trusts.  Irrevocable trusts are used in estate planning.  My research on trusts became more in depth over time, but I felt this article was a good starting point.

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